Florida Hurricane Season Notes
(1) There is no need to panic.
(2) We could all be killed.
For the rest of this hilarious Dave Barry article in the Miami Herald in 2001, click here.
Labels: hurricanes
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure
and the intelligent are full of doubt.
-- Bertrand Russell
Labels: hurricanes
The scorching heat is already here. The afternoon thunderstorms are already here. The 100% humidity is already here. Hurricane season is upon us. Am I ready? Hardly. I know that when a storm begins to make its way across the Atlantic I'll be glued to the weather reports. Fear will set in. Then panic. Then I'll rush around madly, filling the tub with water, making ice, bringing in loose objects, stocking up on beer, organizing all the screws in the garage...a total nervous wreck! Wait, the shutters! Make more ice! Scrounge for batteries, because by now you can't find any for sale within 200 miles. Did I make enough ice? Oh, God! Bottled water...do we have enough bottled water? Where are the cats? Make more ice.
It's even worse when you've been through one before, because you already know how awful it is. If you haven't been through one, you cannot relate. This year I might even try some weed for my nerves. Then again, that might make me paranoid, and I already have that wrapped.
Frances stalled off our coast and took 18 hours to pass through. The damage was unbelievable. We lost all of the tree canopy in our yard. Huge limbs were snapped off like matchsticks. The entire tops of two trees blocked both the front and back doors. We were without power for 9 days with Frances, only 4 with Jeanne. Cold showers didn't bother me too much, considering the overwhelming heat. Lines for gas bothered me. No traffic lights at the intersections bothered me. The neighbors' noisy generators bothered me (and made me envious). Having to venture out on roads full of debris, downed power lines and no traffic lights to scrounge for food bothered me.
Those were old mango trees, 40' high, which shaded the whole back yard. Now only the main trunks are left standing. Lying across the back is a 65' bamboo which was ripped right out of the ground. The root mass is 12' high!
No, I'm not ready at all.
Labels: hurricanes
Labels: humor
A beautiful shot taken by Colin, a photographer living in the Scottish Highlands, who has taught me a lot about his fellow countryman, George Galloway.
You can see more of Colin's world on his blog.
This illustration of Paris Hilton is from Gallery of the Absurd, by a hugely talented artist/cartoonist/caricaturist who calls herself Fourteen (14).
She always wanted to be a comic book artist, and here, in the pages of a glossy tabloid full of stalking paparazzi photos, catty commentary and the exposed bloated excess of celebrity existence, she had finally found the material to amuse and inspire her.
Labels: humor
Oh, Holy Moly! This weirdo has been indicted for the murder of actress Lana Clarkson. Two of my musician friends knew her well when they lived in L.A. and said that she was a lovely, kind person who wouldn't hurt a fly. I don't care how influential this guy has been in the music industry, he has no right to unleash his own personal hell on innocent people.
See him fugged on the hilarious Go Fug Yourself Web site.
Labels: humor
The sumo wrestler of the plant world.
Almost ghostly...
The Jolly Green Giant's tongue?
Two more beauties...
I found these pictures a couple of years ago on a Japanese Web site. Unfortunately, I no longer have it bookmarked, or I would give it the credit it deserves.
Labels: plants
This one is funny too. Kinda captures her, I think.
Read Jennifer Wilbanks' shocking pornographic fantasy, the story she gave the police, on The Smoking Gun.
Labels: humor
My God. Her toes are registered as lethal weapons.