Thursday, May 18, 2006

Right-Wing Radio Talk Host Turns On Bush

California's McIntyre in the Morning host, Doug McIntyre explains his turnaround. God, he sounds like a liberal!

"...So, accept my apology for allowing partisanship to blind me to an obvious truth; our President is incapable of the tasks he is charged with. I almost feel sorry for him. He is clearly in over his head. Yet, he doesn’t generate the sympathy Warren Harding earned. Harding, a spectacular mediocrity, had the self-knowledge to tell any and all he shouldn’t be President. George W. Bush continues to act the part, but at this point whose buying the act?

Does this make me a waffler? A flip-flopper? Maybe, although I prefer to call it realism. And, for those of you who never supported Bush, its also fair to accuse me of kicking Bush while he’s down. After all, you were kicking him while he was up.

You were right, I was wrong."

Listen here.

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

If Al Gore Were President

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A funny "Saturday Night Live" spoof. Check it out on Crooks and Liars.

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Blue Rose

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For as long as I can remember, rose enthusiasts have tried to hybridize a blue rose. Now the Japanese brewer Suntory is touting "the world's first blue roses" at the World Rose Convention in Osaka. I don't know about you, but to my eyes, that's lavender, not blue.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Every time you bathe a cat a boy turns gay.

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Fourfour is the go to guy for America's Next Top Model recaps, but he's also famous for his cat, Winston. It's Winston's bath time again, and we find out the funky reasons why. For the history of this charismatic cat and for dozens of great shots of his life, check out fourfour's cat blog Kitty Pride.

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

"Guardians of the Groove"

Spotted this cool pic of a conguero on Flickr, from offshore's collection.

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Wednesday, May 03, 2006

How Cute Is She?

YouTube is a gold mine for videos. You never know what you'll find. Check out this little future American Idol.

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Juan Cole Is PO'd!

Boy, is Juan pissed today!!

Christopher Hitchens made a big mistake when he misquoted part of Cole's private email (which in itself is unethical, but the popinjay doesn't care about such minutiae), and Cole lets him have it in his blog today.

It's a must read.

(Thanks, Julio!)

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